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Get Trained! 



Get trained on the federal grant proposal review process and participate in a National Institutes of health - style review session.  

You will receive a program certificate.


Provide INPUT! 

Provide your valuable input on health-related research grant applications submitted to the University of Southern California Pilot Funding Program.


Great training and career development opportunity! 

Build Your RESUME! 

Pilot grant applications are submitted from full-time faculty members from USC and Children’s Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA) during an application period in the winter of each calendar year. Successful applicants are funded for a 1-year period from July 1st to June 30th.


The process for scoring applications involves convening a volunteer committee of USC and CHLA scientists and faculty. This committee undergoes a rigorous process of assigning scores to each application based on established criteria and potential for future extramural (external) funding opportunities. Historically, community members have not been involved in this review process. We intend to evaluate how community involvement improves the quality of the review process, the quality of future research proposals and increased research literacy among members who participate in the CRTP.  Based on what we learn during this pilot phase; we hope to identify a pathway for a long-term community reviewer training program.


Be heard in

the scientific community

Training Format

Total honorarium amount equals to $300 for participating in the full grant review training process.


Thank YOU

June 26 & September 5, 2019
Harkness Auditorium
2250 Alcazar St
Los Angeles, CA 90089
5:30 to 9:00 PM


Members of the Community Reviewer Training Program will complement grant reviews by ensuring that community perspectives play a role in the research development process. Each community member will participate in a half-day training covering topics on research, clinical research and the academic grant review process. Following the training, each member will be expected to participate in one grant review session.

Cohort Size and Eligibility

The CRTP cohort shall consist of approximately 20-30 community members from the greater Los Angeles area. Eligibility for membership includes English speaking adults who are not current staff, students, faculty, or independent contractors of USC or Children’s Hospital Los Angeles

Coordination and Communication

Required meetings, trainings and communications will be facilitated by the SC CTSI staff. Questions related to CRTP responsibilities, activities, and guidelines should be directed to Aileen Dinkjian -, (323) 442 1087.

Expectations from Research Administrators (from MOU)

  • We acknowledge that your time is valuable and agree to respect the time you are putting into the process.

  •  We acknowledge that your opinions are valuable and agree to show respect for them and promise to provide you with ample opportunity to share your opinions regarding your reviews.

  • We acknowledge that your opinions are valuable and we promise to ensure that other reviewers also listen to and respect your opinions.

  • We acknowledge that your opinions are valuable and promise to encourage your input (and the input of other community members) during the grant review study section on December 10, 2019

  • We agree to provide grant reviewer training, covering both the general aspects of how to provide a thoughtful grant review as well as the technical aspects of SC CTSI's grant review process.

  • We agree to answer emails, phone calls, and any other communications in a timely manner.

  • We agree to provide prompt assistance to you regarding any aspect of the grant review process.

  • We agree to notify you of the final award/funding decisions.

  • We agree to send you an update on the success of the funded pilot awards after project completion (projects are one year in duration, we expect to send out an update a few months after completion).

Expectations from Community Grant Reviewers

  • I acknowledge that the Pilot Grant Program represents a significant opportunity for the applying researchers. Grant funding is an important achievement for researchers.

  • I acknowledge that applicants have put a large amount of time and thought into their proposals.

  • I acknowledge that my voice as a community member is important and should be given equal consideration in the review process.

  • I agree to attend, in person, any required grant reviewer training sessions held by USC.

  • I agree to adhere to the grant review processes as prescribed by Leadership. I agree to use the forms provided for review and to utilize the online grant review system as directed by Program leadership.

  • I agree to review each grant assigned to me by the designated deadline. This includes filling out the reviewer score sheet and uploading it to the grant review system.

  • I agree to attend, in person, the grant review study section held on [INSERT Date, Time and Location]

  • I agree to respond to emails, calls, and other communications from USC staff in a timely manner.

  • I agree to share my honest opinions and assessments of the proposals I have reviewed.

  • I agree to share my honest opinions and assessments during the study section, on all proposals, even those I have not personally reviewed.

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    2250 Alcazar Street, CSC 2220

    Los Angeles, CA 90033


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