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Grant Reviewer Training Program

Part of the Southern California Clinical and Translational Science Institute Grant UL1TR001855 at the University of Southern California

Community Grant 
Reviewer Training @ USC

 June 26 & September 5, 2019

Harkness Auditorium

2250 Alcazar St. Los Angeles 90089

5:30 PM - 9:00 PM 

The definition of "community" for this project are those who do not have any current affiliation with USC (e.g., prospective student, current student, current employee, contractor etc.)

Become an expert community  grant reviewer

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Get trained!
How it Works?

1.    Attend a 4 hour (each day), in-person training to learn about this program and the academic grant review process.
2.    Participate in one 3-hour, in-person review session with a full panel of USC/CHLA faculty reviewers.
3.    Pre-session commitment: For each session, participants will need to independently review materials including lay summaries, abstracts, research proposals, and relevant research literature prior to the review session. It is expected that the time needed for adequate preparation is typically 4-5 hours.
4.    Participants will complete pre and post evaluations to help measure knowledge gained and to rate participant experience and satisfaction. 

Be heard in the scientific community. 
Get trained on June 26 & Sep. 5, 2019 | 5:30 to 9:30 PM


Writing on Computer

Provide INPUT

Get trained on the federal grant proposal review process and participate in a National Institutes of Health-style review session. Receive a program certificate.

Provide your valuable input on health-related research grant applications.


Build your RESUME




Great training and career development opportunity!

Total honorarium equals $300 for participating in the full training process. 

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